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Lake In The Hills

Morpheus8 RF Microneedling

Morpheus8 Treatment

• Prompt Services
• Educated, Licensed, and Certified
• Fun and Caring Atmosphere

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Morpheus8 RF Microneedling

What is Morpheus8?
Morpheus8 is FDA approved skin tightening and remodeling treatment. Because of its unique technology of combining microneedling with radio frequency (RF) heat it has the capability to address a wide range of skin concerns such as skin laxity, uneven skin texture and tone, hyperpigmentation, fine lines and wrinkles and even stretch marks. Many patients have also found it extremely effective in combatting acne and improving the appearance of acne scarring. We’ve found that Morpheus8 can actually eliminate the bacteria that causes acne.

Morpheus8 is unique in that it has insulated tips that can comfortably and safely penetrate under the surface of the skin much deeper than traditional microneedling treatments all without causing any damage to the surface of the skin. This allows the treatment to target what is known as adipose fat, the loose connective tissue underneath the skin. Targeting the adipose fat with RF heat gives the treatment the capability to contour and remodel skin tissue. Morpheus8 is most widely used to treat areas of the face, neck, and jawline.

In addition, because the treatment involves microneedling, which penetrates RF energy under the deep layers of the dermis via tiny pins or pricks, it also stimulates your body’s wound healing response into producing collagen and elastin, and encourages your body to generate healthy skin cell turnover, which in turn is what maintains your result for a long period of time.

Top 10% Morpheus8 Provider in North America 2023

Morpheus8 Treatment

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Morpheus8 Pre and Post Instructions

Pre-treatment Instructions

  • Topical retinoid therapy should be discontinued 5 days prior to treatment.
  • Avoid any prolonged exposure to the sun, if you must be in the sun use a zinc oxide sunscreen of at least SPF 30. 
  • Avoid taking anticoagulants (aspirin, mobic, ibuprofen, naproxen) for one week if your medical condition allows.
  • Arrive at your appointment with clean skin. There should be no lotion, makeup, perfume, powder, bath, or shower oil present on the skin to be treated. You will be given the opportunity to remove your make-up in the event this is not possible.
  • Botox and Filler injections should be done no less than 14 days prior to treatment.

What to Expect 

  • Immediately after your treatment, most patients will experience a clinical endpoint of erythema (redness) for 1-3 days, however for more aggressive treatments this may last longer. Slight to moderate edema (swelling) and mild to moderate sunburn sensation are also common post-treatment and may last 1-3 days.
  • Skin may crust and peel for 3-7 days depending on the treatment setting.
  • The skin may feel warm and tighter than usual.
  • Skin may crust and peel for 3-7 days after treatment.
  • Redness and swelling may last for 3-7 days.
  • Gridding may be visible 3-4 weeks post-treatment. When treating the body this can last 3-6 months.

*Due to settings and skin tolerance, healing can be different in every patient at every treatment.

Post-treatment Instructions 

  • Before discharge a topical ointment may be applied to the face, no bandages or wraps are necessary. You may be given samples of a topical balm to use for the 3 days after the procedure or you may apply Aquaphor if you choose. 
  • Makeup may not be worn for 24 hours after the procedure. If there are no areas with active oozing and warm redness, makeup may be applied after this time. 
  • Avoid working out for 48 hours.
  • You may resume the use of your usual skin care products (usually 2-3 days). Retinoids may be used 5-7 days after treatment.
  • There are no restrictions on bathing except to treat the skin gently avoid excessive heat and scrubbing or trauma to the treated areas as if you had a sunburn. 
  • Avoid sun exposure to reduce the chance of hyperpigmentation (darker pigmentation). 
  • The use of zinc oxide sunblock spf 30 at all times after 24-48 hours. 
  • Multiple treatments over a period of several months may be required to achieve the desired response. You will notice immediate as well as longer-term improvements in your skin. The time for skin cell turnover is 28 days so most people will begin to see increased results after this time. 

Skin Procedure Ointment is recommended with this treatment.

Morpheus 8 RF Microneedling Before and After Photos

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