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(847) 658-5858

Lake In The Hills

Laser Hair Reduction

Laser Treatment Services

• Prompt Services  

• Educated, Licensed, and Certified

• Fun and Caring Atmosphere

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Laser Hair Reduction

What is laser hair reduction?

Constantly focused light pulses loosen hair and stop the cells that produce new hair from growing. Compared to other hair removal techniques, various cooling techniques allow for more comfortable treatments by maintaining mild light pulses and safe skin contact. 

We provide single sessions, touch-up packages, and packages of eight treatments plus a one-year guarantee . After the eighth treatment is finished, laser hair removal guarantees for packages of eight treatments start. Exactly one year following the eighth treatment, this guarantee becomes void.

Laser Treatment Pricing

Due to the fact that laser procedures are contingent on patient’s skin type, size of the area, and amount of hair, we ask you to come in for a consultation. After this assessment, we will be able to better address your needs and price out the best package to yield the most optimal results.

*We offer 0% financing for 6 and 12 months through Care Credit for Laser Treatments.

Laser Hair Reduction Pre and Post Care Instructions


  • Shave the hair in the treatment area. If you cannot shave yourself, then advise our staff prior to treatment in order to schedule extra time in the appointment. Please note there is a shaving fee of $50 per area per occurrence.
  • Do not wax, pluck, or use depilatories during your series of laser hair reductions.
  • Avoid sun exposure for 3 to 4 weeks prior to treatment and use SPF 30 daily to ensure coverage against UVB and UVA rays.
  • Do not use self-tanning products for 3 to 4 weeks prior to and/or post-treatment.
  • Discontinue use of Tretinoin-type products (Renova, Tretinoin, Retin A, Retin A Micro, Tri-Luma, Solage, etc.) or Hydroquinone at least 3 days prior to treatment.
  • Discontinue the use of antibiotics for 3-5 days prior to a laser treatment.
  • Please disclose any medications that you may be taking.
  • If you have a history of cold sores, begin prophylactic treatment with Valtrex or similar no later than the day prior to your laser hair treatment.
  • Notify us if you develop a cold sore, acne, open lesions in the area being treated, or experience any type of illness prior to your treatment.
  • Botox must be done 2 weeks prior to facial treatment.

REMEMBER - Laser hair reduction is never 100%. The industry standard is 70%-90% reduction. Hormones can cause hair to grow back.


  • You may experience small red bumps around the hair follicle. This is normal and expected. Do not pick, rub, or scratch these until they have cleared. Your skin overall may be sensitive for several days following your laser hair removal treatment.
  • If your skin scabs or crusts, or you experience a burn, do not pick, rub, or scratch these areas. Doing so can result in infection, permanent pigment changes in your skin, or even scarring. Gently cleanse the area and apply hydrocortisone cream several times a day for one week. If the area is open, a layer of antibiotic ointment should also be applied over the hydrocortisone cream. Please contact us immediately if you experience any burns.
  • Do not sunbathe or use a tanning bed for at least 2 weeks following your treatment. If you need to be out in the sun, wear an SPF 30 minimum.
  • Avoid swimming, hot tubs, and saunas for several days following your treatment.
  • It can take several weeks for the hair in the treated area to "fall out" (push up and out of the follicle). This time frame is normal.
  • Do not expect your hair to "not grow back" after a single session. Laser hair removal is a process.
  • Subsequent treatment sessions should be 4 to 6 weeks if done on the face and 4 to 12 weeks if done on the body.

*Clini Calm Hydrocortisone Cream is recommended with this treatment.

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