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Lake In The Hills

1540 Skin Resurfacing

1540 Skin Resurfacing Treatment  Services

• Prompt Services
• Educated, Licensed, and Certified
• Fun and Caring Atmosphere

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1540 Skin Resurfacing Treatment

What is 1540 Skin Resurfacing?
The 1540 Skin Resurfacing Treatment is non-invasive. This fractional non-ablative laser delivers energy deep into the skin, affecting old skin cells and generating new collagen for skin that is smoother and more even. It targets your unwanted wrinkles, stretch marks or scars without causing harm to the surrounding skin. As the energy is absorbed into the skin your body’s natural healing process will begin creating new, healthy skin in the area that was treated. Over the next few weeks you will see continued improvement in both the coloration and smoothness of your skin.

  • improves skin texture reducing wrinkling
  • melasma
  • acne scarring
  • surgical or accident scars
  • the appearance of mature stretch marks
  • or any textural concerns on the body. 

Laser Treatment Pricing

Due to the fact that laser procedures are contingent on patient’s skin type, size of the area, and concerns, we ask you to come in for a consultation. After this assessment, we will be able to better address your needs and price out the best package to yield the most optimal results.

*We of
fer 0% financing for 6 and 12 months through Care Credit for Laser Treatments.

1540 Skin Resurfacing Pre and Post Care Instructions

Pre Care

Beginning 3-4 weeks prior to treatment:

  • Avoid sun exposure or tanning beds.
  • Discontinue the use of topical exfoliating agents (Glycolics/ Alpha or Beta-hydroxy acids)
  • Discontinue retinoid medications e.g. Retinol, Tretinoin (Retin-A/Atralin), Adapalene (Differin), Tazarotene (Tazorac), etc. and OTC anti-aging products contain retinol or retinaldehyde.

Post Care

  • Avoid heat and cool the skin during the first day of treatment.
  • Application of cool gel packs and appropriate topical creams (if directed) immediately following treatment can help alleviate post-treatment itchiness and tingling that may occur.
  • SPF 30 or higher containing UVA/UVB protection with sun blockers such as zinc oxide or titanium dioxide are recommended up to 6 months following the last treatment.
  • Gentle cleansing and the use of non-irritating cosmetics are permitted after treatment (as directed by the physician).
  • Those prone to acne outbreaks should avoid heavy makeup or moisturizers for 24 hours post-treatment.
  • Following a more aggressive treatment, it may be helpful to use some topical moisturizer or therapy (if directed) on the skin during the healing process to help minimize trans-epidermal water loss to reduce dryness or crusting.
  • To help remove debris and bronzing of skin that can appear 1 to 4 days after treatment, soak treated areas for 5 to 15 minutes with a wet washcloth, and then gently remove debris. Do not pick at or scrub the treated areas as this can result in scarring.
  • It is suggested that retinoids (Retinol, Retin-A, Atralin, etc.) be discontinued 1-2 weeks prior to the initial treatment and throughout the course of treatment. The use of retinoids during the treatment course may result in undesirable side effects and prolonged healing.

Stretch-marks & Scar Treatments

  • Avoid tight-fitting clothes around the treated areas for three (3) months after the last laser treatment.
  • Those being treated may experience significant redness, broken capillaries, and bronzing in the treatment area for approximately 3-5 days after treatment. This may persist in a mild form for several weeks, particularly in areas other than the face.
  • Once the treatment area has healed, some itching or dryness may occur. This will gradually clear. The use of non-irritating moisturizers may provide some relief.

Post Procedure Solution is recommended with this treatment.

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